Research article plays a vital role in academics. PhD. Students often work hard to get their research published, and Publishers can only publish these articles if the submission is made as per their terms and conditions. Therefore scholars need to be well informed with the publisher’s requirements and have to balance to convince the best content as per publisher needs and especially the scientific community.
A research student can publish his research work under the guideline, whereby the guidelines appear as the corresponding author. If the conception of the idea and the experiments are as per the result of the guidelines, then it is obvious to give appropriate representation as a corresponding author. If the guide does not know the meticulous details of the dissertation, in this case, the PhD student can be admitted as a corresponding author. But in most cases, the permanent member of the institute or the head of the department will act as the corresponding author.
Scientific publications are teamwork. The author must follow the general guidelines. The author (s) must consent to the review of the manuscript. The journals will publish articles that have wide coverage. The article is intended to provide useful content to readers. They must be concise, complete, and well-written, and organized to be accepted for publishing. There will be major challenges in publishing routine extensions.
Step 1: Do good research on a topic
Academic researchers need to do high-quality research to achieve further development in science. It is essential to have a clear hypothesis, and the work needs to be supported by authentic data. The most appropriate research methodology must be implemented to produce the best research paper.
The results are presented in the write-up by justifying theoretical and practical implications. Once the manuscript has been prepared, It should be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for publication.
By publishing the article, research scholars can share their work with the academic community. These scholars can even form a network with other Scholars, with those names and work, are publicized, ideas can be refined and further research can be enabled.
Step2: Hypothesis
Getting published your research is not an easy task. However, The adversity can be overcome by creating a technically strong and creative article. You need to find the right scholarly journal that fits your subject and your writing style. The research article should be tailored to the requirements of the journal so that you can easily publish it. The chances of recognition are improved through the very efficient preparation of the content.
The content that you have learned from research should be presented most appropriately. The original thesis or statement of intent must solve the enigma or offer a new perspective on how to solve the problem. You have to be able to provide the answer to the question asked in the research paper.
Step3: Article Title and Abstract
The title should ideally summarize the essence of the article and also reflect the contribution of the author. Preparing the abstract carefully is the most crucial part, and it should be the aim of the scope of the study. The abstract should represent the core problem, the method used, the data set, key findings, and the effects on both theory and practical.
Ideas have to be presented logically and coherently. The facts learned through research should be presented to aid your reasoning. The research results are share with your friends, teachers, staff, and journals. Thoughts to be organized and narratives should be designed in the best possible way. The newly found knowledge must be shared with the world by choosing the correct title.
The abstract should be prepared carefully So that the essence of the work can be easily conveyed. The title and abstract must contain the appropriate words. Using the right keywords can make a huge impact. The research and presentation of the article are justified by including the most suitable keywords in the title and abstract. The investigation is communicated effectively with the correct title and abstract. The words must be relevant to search engines and journal websites.
There are different types of abstracts like Descriptive, informative, and structured. The abstract must be concise and informative, Must be written after you have finished writing. The final abstract should contain consistent information throughout the article. It should be created according to the targeted journal guidelines. All sorts of typographical and grammatical errors should be avoided so that the article is not rejected by the lead references and the editors.
Step4: Research key findings and documentation
Research and key findings need to be properly documented, and it is a critical task. You need to remember the months and years that went into the research and, should rule out the possibility of fraud.
There are several ways to keep track of your work. Keeping the work in different forms makes it very easy to remember the work. Using the right text and visual aids is essential. Images should support the text, and the text should provide complete information.
The interpretation of the results must be done in a very efficient way. Suitable titles and subtitles should be used for clarity. The figures need to be referenced correctly and the precise language of reporting to be used. Captions allow you to report your results in a very efficient way. By adding talking headings, you present the point of view to the audience, while the topic headings are used to discuss the topic.
Titles are submitted at the same level in the same section. The titles 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 have the same nouns and appear in parallel. They will cover the same topic. You can switch to third-level titles with 1.1. 1, 1.2.1 etc.
The sections must be numbered correctly. You can choose between decimal or an alphanumeric system. However, the numbering must be consistent throughout the documentation.
It is very important to incorporate accepted and appropriate forms of reporting. The table or figure shown in the report must be numbered and correctly referenced.
The factual information must be reported objectively, and the message conveyed in an appropriate language. The ultimate goal of the documentation is that the reader can get the information quite easily, and the interpretation of the data should be done in the best possible way. The documentation should reflect your tone of voice and indicate the actual finding and the source of information.
Step5: Not just proofreading, it is always better to use professional editing services
Before publishing, you can use the copy editing services of professional agencies. These agencies offer decent editing and copy editing services for content-related texts as per the needs of clients. The agency is managed by proofreaders, with proven experience.
By implementing the copy-editing service, most errors can be eliminated. It ensures that inconsistencies in the format are chopped. The writing style will be consistent throughout the Journal. The copy editor will not change the essence of the content.
The document goes through the copy-editing phase after the completion typesetting and proofreading stage. The copy editor meets the needs of both the author and the publisher, so the author has to share the requirements of the publisher with the copy editor. Copy Editing requires excellent knowledge of the language and style of presentation.
The copy editor spots factual errors very quickly due to his extensive general knowledge. Generally, inconsistencies in the content are eliminated through critical thinking, style awareness, and attention to detail to be maintained by the copy editor, and it is the key asset. Therefore, the document must be reviewed using a proven copy editor who has recommended qualifications and experience.
Professional copy editors normally cover the following aspects
- A proper review of headings, lists, tables, figures, legends, and citations and make sure the content is consistent throughout the document.
- Removal of inconsistent facts, logic, or names if present.
- The document must confirm the stylesheet provided by the publisher. The copy editor creates a style sheet if the publisher doesn’t mention any style sheets.
- Inconsistency in style will be figured out by the copy editor by taking corrective action.
- Grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors are identified and removed during the editing process.
- The copy editing can be processed in either paper form or electronic form. Using the paper form is the traditional method. Industry-recognized symbols and notations were used in the print edition. Using online documents can be edited in various computer applications (word processing programs) and shared over the Internet.
Once the editing process is complete, the document goes through the quality control team, which ensures that the work is prepared according to the publisher’s guidelines, and the entire process is completed within the set deadline.
Step6: Citations & References
The citations/references are to include in the article in the styles specified by the publisher. You can include the in-text citation to summarize or to quote from another source. The in-text citation must have a corresponding entry in the bibliography. The name of the author, The year of publication, and other fields must be specified according to the in-text citation.
Other articles can be cited in your article by reference. The formats vary according to the guidelines of the journal publisher. You must provide the text reference and the number reference in a predefined form to meet the standards.
The obtained source of information is to be mentioned in the introduction and the body of the article. The author’s name and the year of publication can be simply shown in brackets. Relevant aspects of the work of other authors should be written. They are required to be presented in your own words. If you are providing info from other sources, the reference details must be provided immediately.
Note certain exceptions in various Journals. References to other sources can be added by putting the author’s name and the year of publication in brackets in a sentence. However, The details are relevant to more than one author. You can mention the name of the author and the year of publication, separated by commas.
Citations from books, articles and electronic sources are required to produce an authentic article, and acknowledgement should be given to the author of the articles. If the details are from the online post, the URLs can be included next to the phrase.
By adding citations, Scholars honor the individuals whose efforts have produced results. The source used by the author is conveyed to the readers through citations. Citations are also used in indexes. Since the styles of the citations are not standardized, The work will be conveyed to the readers is cited differently in one or the other index. Some of the most popular citation styles are MLA Style, APA Style, and The Chicago Manual of Style. When writing a research paper at a university, you need to know the citation style. You can get tips from your guide on how to get it right.
Step7: Acknowledgments
The “Acknowledgments” section allows you to thank people who have directly or indirectly assisted in the success of creating and publishing the articles. The Acknowledgments may mention the sponsor, colleagues, friends, family, guide, experts, and others who play a crucial role in accomplishing the extensive task.
When thanking the experts, it is advisable to seek the consent of those willing to share their details in the document. The name, title, and institution/company name must be provided to deliver the message very efficiently. List the names of reviewers, publishers, copy editors, and other professionals who help developed the articles.
Step8: Choose the exact authoring guidelines for your Journal
Your manuscript should be sent to the most appropriate publisher so that there is a quick response and you don’t waste time. If you submit the manuscript to the wrong Journal, The editors may reject it without submitting it for review. Choose the Journal that suits your studies. The chances of the manuscript getting accepted by the Journals are much high.
Depending on your requirements, you can choose either the subject-specific target group or the general target group. If the Article covers a wide range of topics, it is best to choose, General topic. The selection of the Journal must be based on the type of content, Such as a review article, case study, survey, and thesis. The author must be aware of the restrictions. The article must also contain a minimum number of words. If you are familiar with journals that accept the kind of work you aspire to publish, it will be easy to go with no issues.
Visiting and reading the terms and conditions published on the various journals’ websites will help you make the most of your time and effort. The Journal will have a page that mentions the guidelines for authors. Choosing candidate journals will help you reach as many readers as possible. If the Journal needs to be published quickly, the best thing to do is reach out to the publisher, Who can get the job done quickly. The Journal you choose should be the one that best suits your growth. You should look at two or three publishers. In the event of rejection by the first publisher, The work can be done by taking the help of the second or third publisher.
Step9: Submitting an article for publication
Submitting of an article can be done by students, faculty, and others. Some websites have the provision of accepting articles directly on the website. So, The Manuscript can be submitted on the respective websites. You must select the publisher of the Journal and submission is done according to terms and conditions stated on the website.
You can either use the free submission service or paid submission service. When you submit a review article, it must meet the formatting requirements. The submission guidelines differ from publisher to publisher. Information gets updated at regular intervals. Checking the current Information will allow the research papers to be submitted according to the latest requirements. It will save you time, effort, and money since you won’t want to review the Article again after you submit it to the publisher.
Before submitting your Article, Be sure to read the publisher’s goal and objectives. After you familiarized yourself with the terms and conditions published on the website, you can discuss the issue with your colleagues. You can also check with the journal editor to quickly progress.
The article is considered by the editor or co-editor. In some cases, it is reviewed by 2 to 4 reviewers. If you submit to an online system, You will get an acknowledgement along with the reference number, Which is used later for tracking the status of the manuscript.
Step10: Preparation of cover letter
The cover letter must be prepared before submitting each manuscript. It should be short and contain the most salient features of the manuscript. Before you submit the manuscript, you should always proofread, and If you are using any copyrighted material, you must obtain permission from the source.
If the Journal specifies a special requirement, this needs to be met. See the Journal’s instructions for authors for complete information. The cover letter must necessarily contain the elements of the Journal.
The Journal editor should be convinced that you will get your manuscript published, and you need to produce a satisfying manuscript. The cover letter should focus on the importance of your findings and relate to the scope of the topic. The manuscript was not submitted to more than one journal editor. so the editor will pay close attention to your work
You need to include certain statements with specific keywords as per the requirements of the cover letter. A cover letter outline requires to be created. The Outline should add an introduction that includes the title of the manuscript and the name of the publication. The solution, test results, general findings, and main conclusions should be included in the cover letter.
The cover letter must contain some basic letter elements such as date, recipient name, salutation, the body of the letter, conclusion, signature block with the designation. We can always revise to eliminate errors by reading the cover letter several times.
Step11: Address reviewer comments
Reviewers’ comments on your manuscript must carry out very efficiently. When your articles go through the peer review process, you will receive suggestions and feedback. Reviewing the research through comments will reduce errors in the article.
If you can respond positively to the reviewer’s comments, your articles will get published. The Article might get rejected if you fail to provide the right content. The author must be familiar with the guidelines given by the publisher. Depending on the Research guide and if we do not respond to the reviewer’s comments will leads to rejection of the manuscript.
You can object to the reviewer’s comment as long as you can explain and justify the reason. If the reviewer can understand your point of view, it will help in making an informed decision. The response to the editor must be a factual answer. It shouldn’t be a negative comment. Since editors do not have the time to go through all the lines, the author must be precise while providing the details.
You can put the reviewer’s response on one line and display the answer on the Next line. If you make changes to a particular section, be sure to clearly state the page and line number so the editor can go through the relevant details quickly. After you’ve answered all of the questions, it’s a good idea to review the document and improve the quality of the publication further.
The manuscript must be original and must not copy the text from other sources. There must be no room for conflicts of interest. You must declare that no part of the manuscript was either published before or in any form.