An eReader is a portable electronic device used to read digital books, also known as E-Books. eReaders are usually designed to run for long hours with minimal power consumption, eReaders are also termed as E-Books devices.
Most of the eReader uses E-Ink technology for their displays, E-ink displays almost imitate the look and feel of paper over ink and are less eye-straining than LCD or LED displays, it does not emit light from behind the screen into your eyes, they have small LED lights installed on the bottom of the frame of the device, that shed light evenly across the screen. In addition to this, they are anti-glare in nature and the device can be used even in direct sunlight. eReaders have enormous battery life, which means an average unit can last for a month.
With an eReader, you can carry thousands of E-Books and at the same time you can access million more E-Books from a library on a device which is smaller than a paperback, the battery backup lasts for weeks on a single charge and gives you a better reading experience than a tablet, or mobile phone.
Are you looking for The best eBook Conversion Services in the market?
We have tested all the competitive eReaders available in the market, and come up with a list of the best eReaders.
Most Popular and Best eReaders in the Market:
1. Kindle Paperwhite – The Kindle Paperwhite device offers an exceptional enhancement in terms of reading experience compared to the Kindle Basic device. The Kindle Paperwhite device is the slimmest of the Kindle eReader series. This eReader is designed in a way so that you can use it for a long time without straining your eyes.
- Key Feature:
- Built-in Adjustable Light, easy to read in Dark
- 6″ Sleek design with Glare-Free display
- Good typography
- longer battery life – lasts up to 2 weeks
- Water-resistant
2. Kobo Forma – KOBO Forma was released in 2018, it has several new features compared to the previous version KOBO Aura H2O, KOBO Forma is lighter than KOBO Aura H2O, and has a plastic screen which is more durable.
- Key Feature:
- Built-in Adjustable Light
- 8″ Larger Screen
- Waterproof and dustproof
- Lightweight
- Long battery life
- Large storage space
- Page turn button
3. Kobo Libra H2O – Kobo Libra H2O is smaller in size as well as in weight compared to KOBO Forma and moreover, it doesn’t compromise features-wise, It comes with a lower price tag with a student-friendly Design.
- Key Feature:
- Auto Adjusting Light
- 7″ Screen
- Waterproof
- Front lights with color changing capabilities
4. All-New Kindle Oasis – Though it is one of the higher cost devices, This device offers a seamless reading experience, which is of excellent quality.
- Key Feature:
- Built-in Light
- 6″ glare-free
- Smart Design
- Audio Playing Feature
- Auto Rotate Screen
- Waterproof
- Long-lasting battery
5. Nook Glowlight Plus – It the best Android-based eBook reading device from Barnes and Noble, and has features that are really irresistible to many eBook fans.
- Key Feature:
- Built-in Adjustable Light
- 7″.8′ Screen
- Runs on Android
- Can install third-party apps
- Big Barnes and Nobles library
- Waterproof and dustproof
- Page turn buttons
- Lightweight, soft-touch plastic