Related topics on publishing, books, ebooks, formats, authors, self-publishing etc.
An eReader is a portable electronic device used to read digital books, also known as E-Books. eReaders are usually designed to run for long hours with minimal power consumption, eReaders are also termed as E-Books devices. Most of the eReader uses E-Ink technology for their displays, E-ink displays almost imitate the look and feel of…
Data labeling, in terms of machine learning, is the process of identifying and marking data samples. The labeling process is often manual but is usually performed or supported by the software. Most machine learning models use supervised learning. An algorithm is applied to map an input to an output. For machine learning to work, you…
JATS – Journal Article Tag Suite, is an international standard XML tag set for journal articles, formally known as NSI/NISO standard for the XML interchange of journal articles, JATS is defined as a set of XML components and attributes that can be utilized to mark the structure and semantics of a single journal article, so…
MOBI files are specially designed for mobile and eReader devices with low bandwidth usage. The file size is very lightweight in nature and supports features like bookmarking, Adding Notes, Corrections, Frames, and JavaScript. The Kindle formats AZW3, KF8, and KFX are based on MOBI and are an Amazon proprietary format exclusively used on Amazon Kindle…
What is ePub? – EPUB is an electronic book (e-book)format, the files come with a “.ePub” extension, EPUB content is reflowable which means it adapts and reorganizes itself to the device screen once you resize the font, It is a comprehensive file format supported by all e-readers like Kindle, Sony Reader, Nook, Kobo, etc. and…