Why eBook is better than Book?

The digital format of the book is known as eBook which is also called an Electronic book, We can convert any book or document into eBooks that include text images and illustrations, etc and can be read on any popular EReaders device available in the market such as Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader, Kobo Reader, Barnes…

When was eBook Invented (History Of eBook)

EBooks, also termed electronic books are a simple, convenient, and Completely modern way of accessing and consuming content and text-based information. You might relate EBooks and EReaders with the Modern era, but actually, they have a long history that goes back further than you can imagine. In 2009, EBooks accounted for 2% of the book…

What is Self-Publishing and their Platforms

Self-publishing is the process of publishing a book without approaching a traditional publishing house or company, This means the author bears all the responsibility and expenses associated such as the editing, designing, formatting, and marketing of the book and in-return receives 100% share of the profit that the book generates. Another advantage of self-publishing is…

Nook ereaders

What is Nook eReader and uses of it

NOOK is an Android-based platform eBook reader device, Developed by Barnes & Noble and intended to compete with the Amazon Kindle line of EBooks readers. The NOOK name was influenced by reading nooks(secluded spot, corners). It is one of the well-known EReader devices, comes with different options which almost fit with anyone’s budget. Some cool…

What is Typesetting

What is Typesetting?

Typesetting is the technique of arranging the textual content and photos on a page so that you can put together them for printing. This consists of deciding on the best enough style, size, and structure of every textual content, image, and design component. While typography may not seem to be a difficult process at first…

Kobo eReaders

What eBook Format does Kobo eReader use?

Rakuten Kobo Inc is based in Canada, it is the most innovative EReader service which offers more than 50 million eBooks to customers spread across 190 countries and also developed a range of EReader that uses electronic ink screen to suits any readers style. Although Kobo EReaders support a broad range of file formats such…

Tips on How to Prepare a Manuscript for Editing

An editor’s goal is to help you make your manuscript as polished, effective, and error-free as possible. You can assist in achieving this objective by completing some basic self-editing and formatting before you send your manuscript to an editor. After all, the better condition the manuscript is when you send it to an editor, the…

How to publish an ebook

How To Publish An EBook?

Ensure your piece of work is Flawless by Formatting and Editing your EBook in the following way: Choose a topic that matches your audience’s interest. Choose the software that you are most comfortable with. Word processors are the most popular, Most people prefer Microsoft Word to write their books with Microsoft Word you can easily…

Which eBook Format Is Best

Which eBook Format Is Best

An eBook format should provide a good reading experience and great features, be an open standard or at least openly licensed format, that should support both publishers and hardware manufacturers, and ensure that it works at least for future updates, if not forever. Unfortunately, there isn’t one we can rely on! Buying eBooks requires compromises…

List of eBook Apps for all Formats

List of eBook Apps for all Formats

eBook Apps: eBook apps or EBook Readers are generally mobile software that allows you to read or access books on your Mobile Phone or Tablet screen. Back in the day, The only EPUB reader Android users could access was Google Play Books, but now there are many tools for IOS and Android users, and they…